Honest Meets: Co-Founder - Dave Lincoln

Honest Meets: Co-Founder - Dave Lincoln
We held a Q&A session with our founders, delving into the story of how Honest's name came about and discussing what's in store for Honest in the future.

Hear from Dave below

1. Where does the name Honest come from?

Luke and I tossed up so many names. It took us a long time and nothing really stuck, but the word honest kept coming up when we talked about our values and how we wanted to present ourselves as a brand. To call the brand Honest made sense in many facets of the business - to be transparent, to inform and for our overall branding to be clean and minimalistic. It was the only name we shared with friends and family, and they loved it... Honest it is. 

2. How do you manage working a full-time job and Honest?
It hasn't been easy but Luke and I both manage to make it work - early mornings, late nights and weekends. Our partners have been very supportive which is super helpful. Luckily, Honest doesn't really feel like work to us - there are so many exciting things to come so we are eager to jump into any project. 

3. What makes Honest different?
From the start, we didn't want to just create a product for profit - that didn't align with our personal values. We needed to be different, to have a purpose, to be leaders in the category. We wanted to share the versatility of rum and re-invent it to be more inclusive. We hope the taste, branding and our morals will help forge a path for a wider consumer base across the category. 
Everything we have done so far has been super calculated to align with our 'product for purpose' idea and we have many plans to expand on this in the coming years. 

4. What's been the most rewarding? 
For me the most rewarding thing is creating something with your mate that people are actually enjoying - the feedback has been amazing and we are very grateful. When we started, I never thought we would be where we are today in just over 12 months. Being able to work on something you are truly passionate about, alongside your best mate working harmoniously is truly rewarding. 

5. What's next for Honest? 
The idea's board is so big and constantly growing - we've got so many things we want to do over the next few years. Continue to build our growth with new flavours, more events, and ideas that stay true to our core values. Think experimentation, collaboration and expansion. 

6. What's your cocktail of choice?
Six Spiced & Ginger
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